For amoebas and other protozoan micro-organisms.
Parasites can hide well within the digestive system and sometimes wreak havoc when present. Oftentimes, I feel that parasitic infection can be easily overlooked when looking at digestive upset symptoms. Whether you are dealing with large or microscopic parasites, our VRM formulas can target these parasites and evade them. These products are formulated to aid in normal immune system response, G.I. terrain maintenance and expelling externally acquired parasitic organisms. VRM 1 assists in large parasites, VRM 2 assist in small parasites, VRM 3 assist in microparasites, and VRM 4 assist in cellular parasites.
Benefits of VRM 1, 2, 3, & 4:
This herbal combination supports the body’s normal and beneficial relationship with human parasitic organisms. Herbal phytoconstituents can help with healthy structural function interaction with large multicellular organisms that may occupy the human GI Tract. VRM4 supports normal health in the gastrointestinal tract and its key tissues of the body such as liver, kidneys, and lungs by supporting the body’s normal immunological relationships with the various microbiomes that can seek residency in the intestines and migrate to other organs as part of their natural life cycles.
ACP or ACX may also be helpful to neutralize toxins being eliminated and are generally recommended in any cleansing program. They help neutralize the toxins and waste that may be released by the use of other formulas and minimize any healing crisis or reaction, especially with the sensitive-type patient. They are often recommended in conjunction with programs that use formulas #4, ATAK, OXAA, OXCC, OXOX and any or the VRM formulas. As with any cleansing program, the elimination system must be kept open; drink at least 2 quarts of water daily. In rare cases, aching may result; soaking in an Epsom Salt bath will usually reduce this condition. Usually, a bottle of formula #6 and/or DSIR is recommended after completing the VRM program to assist in tissue healing. Do not begin any VRM program unless the person plans to complete it entirely. In rare cases, a rash may develop as a result of toxin elimination. Soaking in a baking soda bath will normally reduce this condition; repeat as needed.
COUNT: 30 capsules
RECOMMENDED USAGE: 1-3 capsules at bedtime for 30-75 days, or as directed.
INGREDIENTS: Kamala (Herb), Guarana (Seed), Carrapichinho (Leaves), Erva Tostao (Root), Maracuja (Leaves), Valerian (Root), Black Walnut (Leaves), Wormseed (Herb), Fleabane (Herb), Quassia Chips, Papain, Bethyl Nut, Wormseed Oil, Alfazema (Leaves).
WARNING: May temporarily cause loose stool.
IMPORTANT: If abdominal pain, cramps, nausea or other signs of appendicitis are present, DO NOT START using any VRM formula. *DO NOT USE DURING PREGNANCY, WHILE NURSING, OR FOR CHILDREN UNDER 8.
**Capsules should always be taken AT LEAST 3 HOURS APART FROM ANY PROTEIN MEAL.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.